Zero One Feelings is a 2D platformer game in which the player can reveal the other side of things and has to plan his actions accordingly in order to win.

Controls :

-A /D : Move horizontally

- W : Jump

-Mouse : reveal


This game was created for the November gaming challenge 2018 and has one the first prize under the theme "Unreal in our era".

In Depth explanation and though process:

What could possibly exist in our era and be "unreal" ? The theme itself is already paradoxical . Social media was our interpretation for this theme , as it could give us fake sense of connection and falsify the truth by making the world look so bright and cheerful on the outside while hiding a darker meaning of addiction and depression.

In order to spread awareness and deliver our message , we used the reveal mechanic , inspired by blackthornprod to showcase the contrast between the two aspects . Looks can be deceiving , the player must check everything before he can safely move forward . The bright and cheerful colors and environment are also hiding deadly traps and environmental clues .

Credits :

- Lead programmer : Amen Saffar 

-2D design art and additional programming : Rabie Fathallah.

- Sound design and composition : Mohamed Salah Kaabi.

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