Back Home  is a two player local co-op platformer game , the players must co-operate to solve puzzles in order to reach their destination.

Controls :


-A & D to move horizontally 

-W to jump

-S to switch size


-Right and Left Arrows to move horizontally

-Up Arrow to jump

-Down arrow to switch size

The two players must press S and Down Arrow simultaneously in order to switch.


This game was developed for the Global Game Jam 2019 under the theme : "what does home mean to you" and has won the second prize in Level One site in tunis .

In depth explanation and though process:

Home is not just the physical side of things ... the meaning of home is also present in our relationships with our loved ones .... the feeling of being accepted and being relied on ... and most importantly , the feeling of belonging. Being a co-op game , Back Home perfectly showcases this aspect. 

Having the minimalist and  abstract art style leaves room for the players imagination so they can interpret the game and the experience as they please as it relates to their personal life .

To live happily in a home , one must be willing to make compromises and sacrifices ... the switch mechanic was very fitting both for the idea and gameplay wise , as the bigger cube is stronger and is able to push object while the smaller is faster and can jump higher.

Additionally , one more mechanic was implemented to showcase the warmth the two people feel in a home ... Based  on the distance between the two players , the rain will grow stronger and louder the further they are and the the two cubes will blend together and switch colors upon contact.

The goal behind this game is to have the two players grow stronger bonds with each other and share memories .


Developed by : Kawaii Nekos

Lead programmer: Amen Saffar

2D design and additional programming : Rabie Fathallah

Sound design and composition : Mohamed Salah Kaabi

Made withUnity

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