A Light In The Dark is a 2D platformer game in which the player can switch between seemingly contrasted world and face enemies and traps accordingly.

Controls :

- Right and Left Arrows : horizontal movement

- Up Arrow : jump

- E : switch form

Context :

A Light In The Dark was developed for the JIDC'2018 game jam and has one the first prize under the theme : "Good versus Evil".

In Depth explanation and though process:

The player is told about the alien invasion devastating the planet and how he needs to defend it , Seemingly being a righteous and  a brave warrior.

The player is found in a world with two opposite areas : a bright area and a dark area . Additionally the player can switch forms between being being a sharp aggressive cube or a soft round circle.

The contrasted areas represent the good and the bad in our society as a whole while the different player forms represent the good and bad in each one of us .

It's worth noting that even in the bright areas we find some dark design elements and vice-versa , this symbolizes that nothing can be perfect and even the best people have a dark side and the "worst" people still have some good intentions deep down.

The abstract art style was inspired by Ibb & Obb as , this art style is symbolic and gives the player room to think about the matter individually and interpret it in his own way.

After finishing the level , the player is told how much time he has spent in each world , how much time he has spent in each form  and how many enemies he has slain , the player is also informed that the levels were designed in a way that is possible to beat without having to kill any enemy and that it is wrong to fight evil with evil.

Depending on the player's actions , a different message is communicated about the player's morality and either tells them to question their choices and morality (bad ending) , tells them to further reflect upon their actions as it can be significantly improved while still being acceptable ( neutral ending ) or compliments the player's behavior and morals ( pacifist ending).

Our goal was to make the player think about morality once more and re-evaluate what is taken for granted and classified as being good or bad which is not always the case.

Credits :

- Lead programmer : Amen Saffar

- 2D art design and additional programming : Rabie Fathallah

- Sound design and composition : Mohamed Salah Kaabi

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